Castor wheels with brakes – safety and stability in transport 

The right caster wheels with brakes for every application

Caster wheels with brakes are usually not referred to as a brake, but as a locking system. The difference between a locking system and a brake is that a locking system is used to fix the vehicle in place when at a standstill. A brake can be used while a transport equipment is in motion to reduce its speed. Brakes can usually also be used as locks. In many cases, however, caster wheels with brakes mean a head brake, as you can see here in the picture. Our product portfolio includes swivel casters with brakes as well as fixed casters with brakes. Blickle arresters and brakes are not only tested according to the European caster standards DIN EN 12526–12533, they are also adjusted to the respective tread. As they are designed to be extremely wear-resistant, you can rely on us in the long term.

Swivel casters with brakes

Swivel casters with brakes block the rolling and swivelling movements of the castors at rest with the aid of brake systems (wheel and swivel head brake). “Front”, “rear”, “fixed” and “central” brake systems are used. “Front” brake systems are located at the front relative to the running direction. “Rear” brake systems are fitted to the rear of the castors. “Fixed” brake systems do not rotate with the swivel head and the pedal always remains in the same position. “Central” brake systems use a single lever to brake two or more castors on a transport equipment. A brake system should be selected after careful consideration of user-friendliness, installation conditions and user-specific accident prevention measures.

Blickle wheel and swivel head brake stop-fix
Blickle wheel and swivel head brake stop-top
Blickle ideal-stop wheel and swivel head brake
Blickle central-stop central brake system (LE and LK series)

Blickle wheel and swivel head brake „stop-fix“
(product code suffix: -FI)

Blickle wheel and swivel head brake „stop-top“
(product code suffix: -ST)

Blickle wheel and swivel head brake „ideal-stop“
(product code suffix: -IS)

Blickle central brake

(product code suffix: -CS)

Blickle drum and dead man’s brake
(product code suffix: -TB and -TM)

Mostly commonly used brakes in the middle and lower load capacity range, easy and ergonomic operation with low actuation forces.

Robust, adjustable design for medium and high load capacity ranges with particularly high holding forces (frictionlocking).

A fixed locking system (friction- and form-locking) ensures a high level of operating convenience and continuous accessibility.

Simultaneous locking (friction- and form-locking) of two or more castors by means of a lever, comfortable actuation and release forces.

High braking effect thanks to brake shoes, largely protected against corrosion and dirt by the closed design.

Heavy duty casters with brakes

For our heavy duty casters with brakes, there are various locking systems available as standard in the heavy-duty sector including the locking devices listed above (Stop-Top or the Wheel Stop). For special applications in the heavy-duty sector, however, it is also possible to work out an individual solution together with the customer.


Blickle Zentralfeststeller central-stop (Serie L und LH)
Blickle Zentralfeststeller Radstop (fußbetätigt)
Blickle Zentralfeststeller Radstop (handbetätigt)

Blickle "central-stop" central brake system for transport equipment and heavy duty casters series L and LH
(product code suffix: -CS...)

Blickle "Radstop" wheel brake for heavy duty casters (foot-activated)
(product code suffix: -RA)

Blickle "Radstop" wheel brake for heavy duty casters (operated by hand)
(product code suffix: -RAH


Fixed caster with brake

You can choose between two variants of the fixed caster with brake: The Blickle drum brake and Blickle dead man's brake. The drum brake works by pressing two brake shoes integrated into the wheel against the cast wheel centre, which acts as the brake drum. The drum brake provides a high level of braking performance even though only a small amount of force is required to activate it.

A dead man’s brake is similar to a drum brake, but uses an integrated spring for braking when the brake is not activated. The brake can be released using a lever arm or cable pull. Left-handed and right-handed versions are available for dead man’s brakes. Dead man’s brakes are also available for swivel castors.

More information about drum brakes and dead man's brakes.

Blickle Trommelbremse
Blickle Totmannbremse

Blickle drum brake
(product code suffix: -TB / -TBL / -TBR)

Blickle dead man’s brake
(product code suffix: -TML / -TMR)