Reliable heavy goods transport in a clean room environment
Blickle’s ergonomic ErgoMove 4000 drive system gets process unit moving
The client
The challenge
Our solution

“We met a number of times to discuss the issues in detail. We suggested the ErgoMove 4000 early on in the process,” said Daniel Hirschler, Sales Manager at Blickle. This electric drive system enables loads of up to four tonnes to be moved with little effort. “We modified our standard system to meet ystral’s requirements,” continued Daniel Hirschler. Blickle’s designers recommended placing the drive axle in the middle of the carriage to make the turning circle as small as possible and make the carriage easy to manoeuvre in tight spaces. Blickle’s designers came up with a special version of the ErgoMove 4000 with a reduced height so that it could be moved through doors. Blickle also developed a remote control attached to the mobile unit to ensure that it could be controlled safely. This control system allows users to position themselves wherever they need to be relative to the unit and identify obstacles along their route in good time. Many of the components of the drive system are made from corrosion-resistant stainless steel or have a zinc-nickel coating so that they meet the stringent requirements for clean room applications. A specialised control unit for the drive motors ensures that the system accelerates and brakes smoothly. This significantly reduced how much the transported liquid sloshes around.
The result
Technical information and advantages of the set EM4000-BS-GBS 252K-ET-IP65
- Central drive axle for a tight turning circle
- Tailored to make the drive system suitable for clean room applications
- Remote control for safety